Monday, 17 September 2012

Episode 1 and a half.

Hello! My name is Melissa (or Missy). I create bizarre & beautiful adornments (if I do say-so myself, ha!). However extremely realistic some of my pieces may look, all of my animal-skull jewellery and accessories are handcrafted by myself; they are not real bone. They are actually stronger than 'the real thing', and are animal-friendly.

I have an Etsy Store online where I sell pretty much everything I make (I will have a separate store on this website in the near future, once I get my head around how to do it right!) you can find me on, and I occasionally sell at events in the North-East England area.
I also have a FaceBook Page where I'll upload pretty much anything; be it my progress, failures, freebies or sneaky peeks of what is to come.

A lot of what I make is influenced by either nature or games. I have always loved Half-Life since the age of 10 when it was released; I wanted a Half-Life necklace for myself years ago, but after searching and not being able to find one anywhere, I sculpted one myself. Then all of a sudden I realised I could sculpt things fairly accurately, I was so chuffed! This led onto sculpting lots more things, which I still use in my jewellery and accessories, such as the Oddworld pendants. I think I can safely say I have Half-Life to thank for the lucky position I am in now; for inspiring me to try in the first place.

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